This credit card is good to have and can be easily used to make your day-to-day purchases. This means it is also safer to use while you will not be handling cash, which might be bait for would-be criminals.
There are several rewards included with the Shop Your Way Mastercard that will benefit the user. It is also not difficult to apply for this credit card, and it will take only a few simple steps to acquire it.
Let us take a closer look at the risks and benefits involved with this credit card.
Several great features come with the Shop Your Way Mastercard that will benefit you. When you apply online and spend 450 dollars in the first 3 months, you get a $40 statement credit introductory bonus.
You will receive a signup bonus of $20 if you spend $30 in the first 30 days on the card. There is no annual fee involved with the Shop Your Way Mastercard. You will receive extra points when you use the card at gas stations and restaurants.
For your benefit, there are a number of different rewards available for various purchases on the card.
How to Apply
To apply for a Shop Your Way Mastercard, you can go to the following website and apply for the credit card online. There you need to provide several personal details, and when you are satisfied, you can submit the application for approval.
Or you can make use of the Shop Your Way app that is available free of charge in Google Play Store. You can select install, and it will be downloaded and completely installed on your mobile device for your use.
For those who use the iOS platform mobile devices, you can get the app on the App Store for free. In only a few steps, you can easily install the app on your mobile device to get you up and running in no time.
Who is Eligible
You need to be 18 years of age or older to apply for a Shop Your Way Mastercard at any branch or online. You also need to have a permanent address, and you must have proof thereof, if you want to apply for the Shop Your Way Mastercard.
To be eligible for a Shop Your Way Mastercard, you must also at least have a fair credit rating of 650 or better. And you need to have a valid ID document to prove that you are a US citizen when you apply for this credit card.
Fees and Interest
As it is with all credit cards, there are certain fees involved. There are no annual fees involved with this credit card, but you will pay a 3 percent foreign transaction fee when spending abroad.
You will also pay a variable purchase APR of up to 27.24 percent on all types of purchases you may do. There is also a variable APR of up 27.24 percent on all balance transfers you do on this credit card.
And the APR on all cash advances may also vary to up to 29.15 percent.
Bank Contact Info
There are a number of ways you might be able to contact the Sears credit card company who issues the Shop Your Way Mastercard. You can contact them via the mobile app that is available for all mobile platforms.
Or you can follow the online link and get hold of them on the official website that is provided for your convenience. Or you can contact them at the following addresses and phone numbers.
Technical Assistance: 1-877-254-8073
Shop your Way general inquiries: PO. Box 6282, Sioux Falls, SD 57117
With the Shop Your Way Mastercard you can earn some great rewards if you use it for everyday expenses. This will provide you with many cashback rewards that can be redeemed and used in many different ways.
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Note: There are quite a number of risks involved with any type of credit card at any financial institute. You should look at the terms and conditions of the Shop Your Way Mastercard so that you will know the risks.